Orange Bike Route

The orange route is accessible by directly from our shop out to the nearby paved pathway system that leads to the Yaki trail. It weaves its way through forest and across two major roads and then spends the rest of its duration on paved rim-side trail.

The Orange Bike Route features include, paved pathways along rim; paved roads closed to public traffic (yield to buses); forested trails; 4 major lookout points; major hiking trailhead (Kaibab Trailhead).

Book Your Orange Bike Route Tour Today!
Male Biker over looking the Grand Canyon at sunrise.




1-2 Hours

One Way Distance

3.5 Miles | 5.6 Kilometers

Round Trip Distance

7 Miles | 11.2 Kilometers

NPS Shuttle Access

4 Stops

Picnic Table Access

Yes, Multiple

Water + Restroom Access

Yes, South Kaibab Trailhead and Yaki Point

Route Map